About us

Arterritory.com is an art and culture website in Latvian and English, which focuses on Baltic, Scandinavian, and Central Europe art and its manifestations elsewhere in the world. 

The website’s target audience are readers interested in contemporary cultural phenomena and who want to make their life exciting and interesting. The creators of Arterritory.com are convinced that art is an open world, one that provides a place not only for professionals, but also for connoisseurs and lovers of art.

Arterritory.com is a meeting place for professionals which not only offers the chance to participate in a dialogue where the conversation partner is ready to listen to harsh criticism, but also a space to get to know one another. Because the reserved nature of Northerners is probably the reason why we get to know our neighbors so slowly, even though we live right next to each other. 

The creators of Arterritory.com are passionate professionals in the fields of culture and journalism. Each of us has his or her own list of favorites in art; we often have cardinally different opinions, and come with our own baggage of experiences. Yet all of us feel an enduring passion for art.

The art and culture website Arterritory.com is developed with the support of the association 'Mākslas platforma'.


Editorial staff

Una MeistereDirector, English-language editor / una@arterritory.com

Daiga RudzāteEditor-in-chief / daiga@arterritory.com

Sergej TimofejevRussian-language editor / sergej@arterritory.com

Text authors

Agnese ČivleArt, culture and lifestyle journalist

Agnese PundiņaArt historian

Ainārs Ērglis

Alan MooreBritish designer, artist and business innovator, Founder of Beautiful Business

Aleksandra RosaJournalist, film reviewer

Aliaksandra Tucha

Anastasia Blohina

Anda Kļaviņa

Anna IltnereArt journalist

Anna Volkova


Asnāte SīmaneArt historian

Auguste PetreArt theorist and researcher, curator

Brigita ReinertBrigita Reinert is an art critic and curator who is currently working as the Head of Contemporary Art Collection at the Art Museum of Estonia. She has an educational background in philosophy, art history and theory; and she has acquired a master’s degree at the Institute of Art History and Visual Culture at the Estonian Academy of Arts. She has specialized experience in organising art and cultural events, curating and coordinating exhibitions, editing texts, and coordinating cultural communication.

Denis Maksimov

Dita RietumaFilm historian, critic, director of the Latvian National Film Centre, lecturer at Riga Stradiņš University

Dmitry Komm

Ekaterina Vikulina

Elīna Lazareva

Elīna NordenArt historian and curator

Elīna ZuzāneArt journalist

Elnara Taidre

Eriks Apalais

Francisco Martinez Anthropologist, lecturer at Aalto University

Gosh Snobo

Haralds Matulis

Helēna Demakova

Helmuts CauneJournalist

Ieva Lejasmeijere

Ieva Raudsepa

Igors Gubenko

Ilze PoleJournalist, editor-in-chief of airBaltic’sinflight magazine

Irēna Bužinska

Irene GludowaczVienna-based curator; foundation, museum and corporate communications expert; writer; co-author of A Passion for Art: Art Collectors and Their Houses (2005) and Global Art (2009)

Ivars DrulleSculptor

Jana Kukaine

Jānis Jankevics

Jānis Šipkēvics

Jānis Taurens

Jurriaan Benschop

Karina Krista LikanseText Author

Kārlis Vērpe

Kirill KobrinAuthor, historian, essayist

Kristīne BudžeDesign and architecture critic, journalist

Lena Konushikhina

Līna Birzaka-PriekuleArt historian, curator of exhibitions at the Latvian National Museum of Art and for the VV Foundation

Lizete RiņķeCopenhagen-based art historian, writer, curator

Magnus BonsArt critic, editor of konsten.net

Maija RudovskaCurator, researcher, art critic

Margarita ZiedaTheatre historian, researcher, critic and journalist, playwright

Megija Milberga

Monta Kaiva Konovalova

Natalie Weis

Natālija JansoneFashion designer

Nikita Kadan

Odrija KalveArt historian and curator

Olga AbramovaArt historian, Moscow-based exhibition reviewer for Arterritory.com

Paula LūseCulture journalist

Paula Veidenbauma

Pavel Gerasimenko

Photo: Ansis Starks

Photo: Kristīne Madjare

Rasa Jansone

Richard PettiferAustralian writer, director, critic and monologist based in Berlin

Santa MeikulaneDesigner

Sergei KhachaturovArt critic, theorist, curator, art historian, a freelance writer for Arterritory.com

Sofija Kozlova

Sofija Šellare

Stacey KooselCurator, writer, editor of Estonian Art

Tanel VeenreEstonian jewellery artist and designer of a brand by his own name.

Tīna Pētersone

Tomass PārupsArt journalist and curator

Valentin Dyakonov

Valery Ledenev

Vents Vīnbergs

Vera Otdelnova

Vika SmirnovaArt historian, film critic, writes about the parallels and contrasts between cinema and contemporary art

Viktor Misiano

Vilnis VējšArt critic, journalist

Vladimirs Svetlovs

Weronika TrojanskaPolish-born artist and writer

Zaiga GaileArchitect

Žanete Liekīte

Žanete Skarule

Zane Onckule